Happy 19th Day of School!

Good Morning from Quarantine-land in East Cobb. I am writing to you, as I have numerous times since the first day of school on August 2nd, to plead with you to reinstate the mask mandate in Cobb County Schools.

I spent yesterday talking to my son through a bedroom door. We have been trying to limit contact between him and the rest of our family, as he received his first close contact letter on Tuesday. A COVID positive boy that sits at his table in class, MASKLESS, breathed on my son for an hour on Monday morning. Thankfully, my son was wearing his mask. We will go tomorrow to get tested for COVID.

Currently, our days consist of temperature checks, CTLS checks, and a few massive meltdowns sprinkled in. As my son sobbed through the door, he relayed how stressed he was, worried about missing class while his assignments piled up. As I tried to soothe his troubled soul, I thought of you all. You did this. You own this terrible, gutless decision. 

My son then told me he is being teased at school for wearing a mask. You have created a culture where he has to defend his decision to choose basic decency and caring for his community. This should never be the case. This shouldn't even be a decision to make. I know y'all like to say "Children can choose to wear their mask" well let me tell you something, my children would also choose to only eat golden-stuffed oreos, but as a parent, that's where I come in. To be the voice of reason, and this voice should all choose science, health, and life.

I only want our school children to stay healthy and stay in-class, if only there was a way to help us move closer to this goal.

New since the last time I emailed into the abyss of the Cobb County School District email server...

Our local hospital brought out the mobile morgue. It sits in the parking lot, a beacon to all that these are dangerous times. 

Georgia's covid cases have surpassed our cases from January. Do you remember January? The entire school system pivoted back to virtual for a week to allow for teachers and staff to get healthy so in person learning could continue. But here we are, pretending there is nothing to see here. 

My seventh grader reported that 3/7 of his teachers were out. How is my child  expected to learn when he's not receiving instruction. Worksheets and videos don't cut it for him. 

We were notified of the upcoming standardized testing. I am leaning towards opting out of these tests for the first time ever. My children consistently score in the upper 90th percentile, but I will not let their supreme intelligence be a feather in your cap. I am not the only parent that feels this way. 

I know you are feeling the heat. And it's ok to admit you were wrong. It's a sign of great leadership. We will still celebrate your decision to follow the CDPH, CDC, AAP, and every other human out there with common sense and a reverence for life. Even if it is a month late. 

End the chaos, anxiety, and trauma.

I look forward to hearing your response to my email for the first time this month. I know you can do it. Just hit the reply button. I honestly want to hear your thoughts. Not while you are grandstanding at a board meeting, but as a human and a parent. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE.

Mrs. Yoy
Trying to safely help him with his math work.


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