March 19th. Day 4.

Thursday. I've been waiting for this day. The Indigo Girls were planning on doing a Facebook Live concert at 6pm and I was ticking down the minutes. The ladies did NOT disappoint, by the way. And you can ask any of the other 60,000 people watching and singing along.

Today started with a little note from Little E's teacher. He had not been completing his assignments (not totally shocking). I told him and this was just the nudge he needed. I guess he didn't realize that she could see his progress. But that little nugget of knowledge lit a fire under his ass and he went straight to work.

Our strategy was a bit different today. We all gathered in the office, I worked on some tax returns, and the boys did their homework. And they actually did it without much complaint and by noon, they had knocked out most of their work. I had only yelled at them 21 times so far at that point, and based on my Homeschooling App, I had hit the 21 yells by much earlier in each of the three preceding days. So we were winning.

Little E and I went on our walk after their work was done, his suggestion, as his legs were too tired first thing.

We came back in for our daily lunchables n learn. Today's topic as presented by Professor YouTube, the Largest vs Smallest Human. Basically, it was a biopic about me and the boys.

I'm not sure which subject this fits into, maybe Anthropology? We'll classify this as one of their STEAM specials.

The sunny, warm weather lured us outside for our next activity, running through the sprinklers with our clothes on! We may have been bundled up in coats last week, but today was the first day of Spring and we were going to welcome her in the right way.

We practiced leaping over the water streams, pretending like we were majorly urinating (Big E), and power washing our faces. Now that the spas are closed, how else are we suppose to exfoliate? I'm counting this as our P.E. for the day, as I was panting from doing my graceful leaps through the backyard.

Next up, NAPS! Well, at least for me. All that running in the sunshine made me sleepy. I laid down on my couch with the intention of reading, but you all know how that ends (book to the forehead).

I tried to get the boys back outside to help me with some gardening. Little E has been working with his school on creating a butterfly garden, so I thought this would interest him. I had no butterflies, but I did have an electric hedge trimmer. He was a hard NO. But I took out all my frustrations and anxiety on my unruly hedges and had a very Edward Scissorhands afternoon.

I had a nice FaceTime chat with some friends I hadn't seen in awhile, the silver lining of this lock-in. Having time to slow down and see the people I love. I won't disclose the content of the call as it is definitely not kid friendly, and Big E reads all the blogs.

Mr. Yoy brought home a family meal from Local 3, one of our favorites, which included a drink called the SOCIAL DISTANCE. It was strong and definitely killed whatever was living inside my body, virus, organs, soul, and otherwise.

The boys are reading quietly in their rooms (or possibly sneaking on their computers), I'm too tired to get up and check.

I sincerely hope that you are finding some peace with our new reality. I can see my kids' faces light up when I suggest something new and silly and that is what is currently motivating me to wake up (but not before 8AM) each morning.

Good night!


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