The Call (DUN, DUN, DUN!)

Your phone rings. You fish it out of the bottom of your purse. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL shows up on the caller ID. There are two panicked thoughts that run through your head: 1) MY KID IS SICK/INJURED. I have received this call a few times. The last time, Little E fainted at school due to a combination of a cold and medicine that I had given him. I also have an adverse reaction to cold meds, and I didn't even think that my children could have it, too. That was one was on me and was scary as hell. The nurse had to call an ambulance. 2) MY KID IS IN SUPER BIG TIME TROUBLE. I have also received this call. A few times from Little E's pre-school (I know, I know, he's perfect. How could this happen?) And one time regarding Big E and a private parts contest in the cafeteria during lunch. But for the most part, my kids are well behaved at school and save their satanic tendencies for when they come home. It's impossible to be well behaved ALL DAY. Because we all know ...