Big E: No Cuts

I keep the boys' hair short. They took not one, but two, horrible school pictures in the fall. Even with retakes, no one bothered to run a comb through their hair. I had had it. I buzzed both of them and haven't looked back. There is no hair brushing and their hair always looks good. The only downside is the frequency I have to drag them to get their hair cut. Luckily, my kids are super nerds, and the draw of the library right next door, is enough to motivate them. It's been about a month and they are both due. I asked Big E if he wanted to get his haircut. MOM. I WANT COOL BOY HAIR. YOU KNOW, IT FALLS ACROSS YOUR HEAD LIKE THIS. I took a deep breath and quickly walked out of the room so I could panic. I'm pretty sure Big E just asked me for Georgia Hair. My child. Thick with Florida roots wants Georgia Hair. What is this Georgia Hair, you may ask? THIS Some call it the Southern Swoop. I call it Georgia Hair. Mos...