Leggo My (Easter) Eggo

Happy Easter, folks! This year brought the Yoys their first ever Easter Egg Hunt. I gave them a pep talk beforehand. Yes, we are Jewish. Yes, you can still hunt for eggs and eat delicious peeps. Yes, you can wear bow-ties and pastels and no one will be the wiser. We lit the Shabbat candles and headed out the door. And the boys had such a great time. Until the end. When it was brought to my attention that Big E had taken another little boy's basket of eggs, snuck out of sight, and emptied its contents right into his basket. I was angry with him. I was embarrassed that he committed the greatest sin on the Easter Egg Hunt circuit during our first time to the rodeo. We would be labeled as the egg-stealing Yoysers and banned from all future egg hunts in some super secret Easter book. Scene of the Crime At home, Mr. Yoy and I sat Big E down and spoke to him about it. He vehemently denied any participation in the theft. ...