The Craig's List Chronicles

Selling your house is mad stressful. It makes you do completely illogical things like selling a bunch of your sh*t on Craig's List. Craig's List is like the Wild West. There are no laws. No manners. No expectation of decency. It's basically rush hour on 285. Every man for himself. And I sold a ton of stuff. I encountered all sorts of humans. There were a few that showed up at the agreed upon time with the agreed upon amount, although that was rare. Mostly it was a bunch of no shows. Below is a summary of my top three transactions, in no particular order. 1) Gucci Diaper Bag This was a gift from my parents when I was pregnant with Big E. Of course I would have a Gucci Diaper Bag. I may live in Atlanta, but I'm a Boca girl at heart. Anyway, I wore this thing out. I carried it every day for five years. The corners are pilled. The top has some wear. If I amortized the cost of...