The Yoysers: Blood Brothers

Mr. Yoy is traveling for work. This left me with a WIDE OPEN SATURDAY. My plan was to kill two hours at the YMCA (that's the maximum time that the Yoys can spend in the child care area per day), grab some lunch, and head over to Aunt Yoy's to commiserate about our traveling husbands. My first victory of the day was getting Big E to agree to go to the Y. Usually it takes a miracle. Today it was the promise of one dollar. We unloaded at the Y. This included a giant history book and an Oriental Trading catalog (which is the equivalent of Catnip for kids). YOU DO KNOW THEY HAVE TOYS TO PLAY WITH HERE? But no one wanted to listen to me. As usual. I held onto Big E's hand while he gripped his 400 page learning book. Little E held onto Big E's elbow and his Oriental Trading catalog. We formed a chain precariously making our way into the building. Except Big E tripped and went down hard. He basically belly flopped onto the asphalt. ...