Mrs. Yoy: Too Tired to Conjure Up a Title

Last night totally sucked. The boys went to bed around 7:30. I followed suit a little before eleven. Mr. Yoy got sucked into Netflix's House of Cards and I think he made it to bed sometime after midnight. Big E came in at some point and asked Mr. Yoy to lay with him in his bed. I was just happy it wasn't me. Big E returned to our room around 2:30 and wanted to get into our bed. And this is where the night from hell began. I cannot sleep in my bed with my offspring. I know some of you love to cuddle up with your kids and happily sleep the night away. I am not that mom. I cannot relax if they are anywhere near me. I don't want to hear Little E violently sucking his thumb in my ear. I don't want to smell Big E's rank middle of the night breath. I want to be left alone. And once I've been wakened, it takes me at least an hour to fall back asleep. I told him he was welcome to make a pillow bed on the floor next to me if he wan...