Mr. Yoy: Ensuring Years and Years of Therapy

The Yoys are avid Spotify users. We each have our own playlist, including Little E. Typically, we all live in peace sharing our one Spotify account. Tonight, Big E cranked up his playlist so he could listen to some Kidz Bop 27 while he bathed. Mr. Yoy had other ideas. He was listening to Spotify at the office. Mr. Yoy had his iPad with him, so he was able to change the music we were listening to remotely. And this about rocked my kids' worlds. The majority of the music on Big E's playlist is Halloween themed. Some of it is quite creepy. His music kept jumping around. Big E could not understand why the songs were changing. MAYBE IT'S HAUNTED? I innocently suggested this hoping it would cure Big E of his nightly Kidz Bop routine. That music is killing my soul. Mr. Yoy called to see if we had figured out what he was doing, besides not working. I had, but Big E was a little freaked out. He came over and sat next to me and peeked ...