You Can Stand Under My Umbrella, Part 2

We are deep into the 2014-15 school year.  The boys have adjusted well to the routine, including riding the school bus.  This morning we had our first rainy bus stop wait of the school year.

I dressed the boys in their matching green rain coats.  Little E gave me some push back.  He wanted to wear a Thomas rain coat a friend had given us.  The problem is, Little E needs to grow about a foot before it actually fits him.

Big E has a little umbrella that came with his rain boots.  Otherwise, he would not have one.  I grew up in Florida.  It rained pretty much all the time.  Even when it wasn't raining, it was so humid that there was always a layer of moisture coating my skin.

Little E does not have an umbrella.  This is an integral fact in this story.  I brought my giant red umbrella to the bus stop for us to share.

This was not acceptable to Little E.  He began to whine and cry.


He wanted me to leave them alone at the bus stop and run to Target and pick him up an umbrella STAT.  He was relentless.  I cursed Mr. Yoy, who remained bundled up in bed, while I stood at the bus stop being assaulted by rain and our youngest son.

Big E was of zero help.  He wouldn't let Little E hold his umbrella.  He taunted him.  Little E's tantrum began to swell.

As the bus pulled up, Little E was in full-on, academy award winning crying mode.

Big E bounded up the steps to the bus, without his umbrella.  There is no way I'm sending that to school with him.  I can just see the sword fighting now.

Little E refused to board the bus.  I picked him up and he went limp noodle on me.  As I lifted him up to the bus, he hooked his feet under the bus.  Good lord.  I was not prepared for a morning battle.  I palmed his booty and assisted him up the stairs.

So many tears.  Big E grabbed Little E's hand and took him to their seat.

I turned and strode up the hill towards home.

And that's how I came to drink wine at 7:30 AM.


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