Big E: Just Say No
This week is Red Ribbon Week at school. What is Red Ribbon Week I hear all of you wondering? It's a national campaign to raise awareness of the death and destruction caused by drugs in our country. They are keeping things light and care-free for my four and five year-old. I suppose it is never too early to learn about the dangers of drugs, but I'm not sure if my kids even understand what all this means, except they get to dress up in a different theme for each day of the week. Neither Yoy has asked me any drug related questions, but I have my speech all prepared, especially the ending. ...WINE IS TECHNICALLY A DRUG, BUT IT IS LEGAL AND YOU GUYS ARE RELENTLESS. THE END. Fast forward to bath time this evening, I asked Big E to strip down and hop in the bath so he could get clean. CLEAN FROM DRUGS? I'm sure my eyes bulged out of my head. I guess he WAS listening to his teacher. UM NO, CLEAN FROM BOOGERS, CANDY, AND DIRT. THANKS. On a side ...