Big E: Future Surgeon General of America

This afternoon the boys were out front drawing an intricate five alarm hotel fire chalk landscape on our driveway. Our new neighbors are replacing all their flooring and there has been a man out front working hard on it all week. And he is a smoker. He came over to ask if it was ok if he moved his truck back a little even if it blocked a portion of our driveway. We were in for the night, so it was fine. His cigarette was dangling from his lips. Begging for a comment. Big E's eyes widened like saucers. I could see his brain cranking and I knew immediately what would happen next. Big E whispered to me about the smoking man, and I tried my best to convey the throat slash sign with my glare. But who am I kidding? We all know how this ends. Big E: SMOKING IS A BAD HABIT. Poor, unsuspecting flooring guy: I KNOW. Big E: THEN WHY DO YOU DO IT? Poor, unsuspecting flooring guy: I'VE JUST BEEN DOING IT FOR SO LONG... Big E: I THINK YOU SHOULD...