Happy Birthday to me!

Today I put 37 to bed and welcomed 38 with wide open arms. I'd like to think I've grown wiser with age. So I'm sharing a few nuggets I picked up over the past 365 days. 1) Go. Go where you may ask? Go anywhere. Commit to do something. Even if you are dead tired and would rather zone out on the couch and reread your three month old Glamour magazine. Just go. You'll most likely have fun and meet new people. It won't kill you. I promise. 2) You don't have to love red wine just because everyone else pretends to. Don't get me wrong, I'll drink just about anything, but I don't have to pretend to love it. It's warm. And it stains your teeth. But it DOES slow down consumption considerably, so that's a plus. 3) Tell your friends you love them and miss them. Chances are everyone is busy with life and days and then months slip by and you haven't had a chance to meet up for lunch to vent about all the things that ...