Big E Reads!

Another day, another bedtime approached.  I was counting down the minutes until I could take a much needed shower and watch the HIMYM series finale.

The boys chose two books tonight, The Spooky Old Tree and Are You My Mother? Two classics from my childhood that I actually enjoy reading.

I was ready to micromachine man my way through the books and be wrapped up in about five minutes flat.  But then I witnessed a miracle.

Well maybe not a miracle, since Big E is a few months past turning five, but to me it was amazing.

He opened up Are You My Mother? and began to read.  And it wasn't his prior memorization reading fake-out, because this time he was making genuine mistakes and then correcting them.

I sat back and smiled as I watched him read to Little E.

I literally almost plotzed* right there on his bed.

I'm hoping Big E inherits my love of books and dives right into all 127 Sweet Valley High books I've got gathering dust on the top shelf of my closet.

* Yiddush word meaning explode from happiness.

Bedtime took about twenty extra minutes tonight, but it was well worth it!


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