Little E: Let's Get Political

On Thursday, I was finally able to get someone out here to reinstall the piece of siding that was taken off during the Polar Vortex (see, I used it again) of 2014!

After some crooked guy quoted me a price of $150!! to replace one small plank of siding, I asked around and got the name of a local handyman.  I called him and he promised to be out within a few hours.  And he was.  And he was great and Sou-thern.

He rang the doorbell right after dinnertime and had his two school-aged sons with him.  Big E was immediately excited to have made two new best friends.

Uno, anyone?

The handyman went to work on the siding with his older son's help.  We chit-chatted about the elementary school that both our kids went to.  Everything was going swimmingly.

Little E snuck upstairs, for reasons soon to be revealed.

I heard Little E's feet on the steps and turned around to see him waving his plastic Israeli flag he received at this year's Simchat Torah celebration.  This kid was going to have a jewish parade right here in the damn kitchen.

Big E immediately started in on going to Tot Shabbat on Friday and the boys just looked at him like he was speaking another language.

For the trifecta, one of the boys asked Big E about his christmas presents, and the diatribe regarding his religion commenced.

I tried to stifle a laugh as I ingested the absurdity of the situation.  Why can't my kids ever be normal?

The handyman finished up in about 30 minutes and charged me a mere $50.  He rattled off a list of the services he was able to do if I ever needed any help with anything.


Kidding, sort of.

Anyway, hopefully he'll come back next time we need help, even if my kids Torah Beat him and his sweet sons.

Flying high in my kitchen.


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