The Yoys: Seat Taken

This afternoon's outing began with the usual toilet standoff.

While a toilet standoff sounds intriguing, it boils down to me pleading with my children to use the bathroom before we leave the house so we can avoid (AT ALL COSTS!) the dreaded public restroom.

Who doesn't love dragging two kids into the dirtiest Walmart-ish bathroom stall on the planet?


It is that visual that fuels my stubbornness.  Bathroom time is a must before we head out.

Big E immediately refused.

Little E happily climbed up on the toilet.  He hasn't graduated to the EVERYTHING-MY-MOM-SAYS-IS-SH*T phase yet.

Half-way through Little E's bathroom time, Big E decided he needed to use the toilet.  Like yesterday.

I offered him my bathroom, the guest bathroom, or the downstairs bathroom. These choices were sub-standard.  

Big E needed his bathroom.  With the lovely blue walls, elephant decor, and plush towels.  There was no other option for him.  

I watched with a mix of horror and amusement as Big E climbed right up on the toilet and smushed his tush in between Little E's and the toilet seat lid.  

And then a smile crept onto my face.


My job here is done.


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