Big E: Squatters Rights

What is it with Sundays and sushi? Every Sunday my kids want sushi and our regular joint is closed. Tonight we went to the Maki Fresh in the Peachtree Battle shopping center. This is certainly not the first (or even second or even third ) story that centers around this shopping center to make the blog. Big E took a break from dinner to take his usual public poop. We had a birthday party earlier in the day and this kid housed a mountain of junk food. Even I was impressed and I can put back some serious quantities of non-Weight Watchers friendly food. So I was not shocked by what happened next. MY STOMACH HURTS! This was the warning shot. I figured he probably had to use the bathroom again, but he declined. Instead he rubbed his buddha belly. We decided to walk the length of the shopping center. It was nice outside and we were enjoying the stroll. Except we strolled our way straight to the Baskin Robbins. We ordered the b...