The Yoys: Flood Brothers

When we arrived home from our playground jaunt this afternoon, an entire ant colony had taken up residency on top of the Yoys' little table they use for meals. Coincidence, I think not. I sent the boys upstairs to strip down for a bath, grabbed the ant spray, and went out back to spray around the patio door and windows. They were upstairs for ~ 5 minutes. I could hear them in the bathroom, but I figured they were brushing their teeth or playing with their bath toys, sans bath water. I walked upstairs and the bathroom door burst open. Out ran Big E soaking wet. Out ran Little E, laughing maniacally, and also soaking wet. His shoes were water logged. I gulped. And then peaked into the bathroom. The drain to Little E's sink was closed up and water was flowing freely from the faucet, into the full sink, onto the counter, down and into the cabinets, and finally settling in about an inch of water all throughout the bathroom. Their rug...