The Yoys: Party Rocking

Kids birthday parties are pretty lame (this excludes the drop-off kind).

Don't gasp at me.  This is a safe, honest place.  You can admit it without judgement.  I'll never tell.

Mr. Yoy would be happy if he never had to go to another birthday party again. This includes our own children.

I begrudgingly plan the Yoys' parties.  Little E didn't even have a 2nd birthday party.  Don't feel sorry for him, he won't remember it anyway.

On the spectrum of kids' party planning ranging from not giving a sh*t to insane, over planning maniac, I'd like to say I fall somewhere towards the more relaxed side of things.  In fact, I pride myself on it.

Yesterday we held Big E's birthday party.  There is an awesome old mill by our house which has been converted into a park and playground.  The only wild card is the weather.

Luckily for us, we had a beautiful day.  We brought in Big E's music teacher, ordered some deep dish pizza, and publix cake, and we had ourselves a party.

Reasons I know we hosted a throw down:

1) Some little girl I didn't even know (and her dad) spent the majority of the music portion of the party dancing with Big E and his friends.  Yes, we had a party crasher.

2) Contraband vodka.

3) Friends without kids showed up.

4) Guests hung around after cake cutting.

5)  The moms at school pickup reiterated what a great time they had yesterday.  (FYI, Jewish girls don't say things to be nice, they tell you the straight-up truth).

6) I didn't bother with goody bags and no one complained.

7) My son took a 3.5 hour post party nap.

8) We collected a massive amount of food for the Atlanta Community Food Bank.

I planned a great party with pretty much zero effort.  I am amped.

This victory is dedicated to all the lazy moms out there!  It is possible, ladies!

Big E's 4th birthday food bank drive. 

A trail of Big E's friends running wild at the park.  


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