Little E: The Tracks of His Tears

Little E had to have his blood drawn this week to rule out some underlying possible causes for his chronic hive situation. To say I was apprehensive about taking Little E to get stuck with a needle was an understatement. The kid bursts into tears whenever we enter any room that resembles a doctor's office. He went bat-sh*t crazy at the vet. Poodle Yoy on the other hand, was the calmer of the two and she even nervous pooped on the floor. They ushered us right back when we arrived. I signed away both our lives and the nurse asked me to sit in the chair and then pull Little E up onto my lap. I'm not going to lie. I'm a wuss. Right after I had my babies I had lost some of my wussiness. After going through a chunk of unmedicated labor, my pain threshold went through the ceiling. Novocain for pulling teeth? FOR THE WEAK, I SAY! But two years out, I've reverted to my old self. I held Little E close to me. I pinned down one a...