Big E: Sleep Nemesis

MOM! MOM! MOM! My heart sinks into the depths of my belly. He's up. I roll over and face my sleep nemesis, Big E. YES, BIG E? I take a look at the clock. 2:45. Didn't I just fall asleep like 20 minutes ago? It was more like 10:30, but it felt like 20 minutes ago. I HAVE AN IMPORTANT QUESTION FOR YOU! This simple phrase is the blue screen of death for the remainder of my restful night. SH*T SH*T SH*T! I didn't say this to my child, but I knew what was about to go down and I was not ready for it. Not this night. I had spent the day fasting and then gorging and I just felt all out of sorts. WHERE DO ROCKET SHIPS LIVE? What the hell? That is your important, 2:45 AM question? I won't let this goober stump me, even in my zombie like state. OUTER SPACE! Mr. Yoy and give each other imaginary high fives. He is up, too. He stifles a laugh. I smile at him, but also want to punch him in the face a little. Clearly it...