Vacation, All I Ever Wanted!

So, the 24 ounces of water I drank close to bedtime last night was a mistake. I've been up to use the bathroom every few hours and the last time I got up, I was unable to fall back asleep. I figured I'd blog. Tomorrow, Mr. Yoy and I leave for our vacation - five days in LA. It is almost hard for me to articulate how excited I am. But I haven't allowed myself to really visualize my trip until now. If I still had an office job, I'd be doing some extra internet surfing and cutting out earlier and earlier as my mind shifted from work to play mode. I'd be doodling during meetings and taking long lunches. Unfortunately, as a SAHM, there is no vacation mode. HEY BIG E, WHY DON'T YOU FIX DINNER FOR YOU AND YOUR BROTHER TONIGHT? ALSO, DRAW YOUR OWN BATH AND TUCK YOURSELF IN. THANKS! Sure, like that would happen. And while I normally hate flying, the idea of sitting on a cross country flight and just vegging out for many hours sounds intoxicating. I...