Mrs. Yoy: A Dirty Player

Last night was a late night for the Yoys. We hit up the Atlanta Food Truck Park for some mac n cheese deliciousness, cupcakes, and playground time. We arrived home around nine. The boys were pretty wound up. Like a rancher, I tried to herd the cattle, I mean my kids, inside to begin bath time. Little E was cooperative as usual, but Big E had other plans. First he went and hid dangerously close to the rose bushes. He'd rather get attacked by thorns than take a bath. As I strode over there to pick him up, he leaped up, and ran for it. Down the hill he went. He veered off the sidewalk and was headed up the next street. I was shocked. Is he for realsy running away from me? Do I run after him and leave Little E sitting in our driveway? Ugh, it was too hot and too late and this was all too ridiculous for me. This is why people started leashing their kids! What to do? What to do? I quickly scanned my resources. I was despera...