Small Girl, Big Opinion

Today was the last day of art camp for Big E. All week they worked on a Picasso-esque painting of a cat. Big E talked about his painting all week. He was very excited to show me the finished product. Big E was beaming with pride as his teacher handed over his painting. OH, BIG E, IT IS WONDERFUL! Now, I'm not sure how much help he had, but for a three year old, I thought it truly was awesome. NO, HE MESSED UP SOME! I looked down at one of his fellow campers. I'd say she was about five. I suppressed the urge to punch her in the gut. I'm not a confrontational person. Not even a little. I say all sorts of nasty things in my head, but never release them to the general public, unless it is in my semi-anonymous blog. IT IS NOT MESSED UP, IT IS BEAUTIFUL! BIG E, I LOVE IT SO MUCH! I quickly snapped back at her. Big E's wide, proud smile faded to a very faint one. YOUR PAINTING SUCKS WORSE, LITTLE GIRL! Again, I didn't ac...