Big E: Worst Pickup Line Ever

Yesterday we hit up the pool at my parent's clubhouse. It was kickin'. Their neighborhood is full of old people and the pool was full of the old people's grandkids. We took Big E and Little E to the kiddie pool. It is about two feet deep and the size of a small square. I forgot to bring pool toys because it's been about six months since I last thought about going into a pool and I was out of practice. Thank goodness for Zoe, a rambunctious four year old who showed up with her grandma a few minutes after we had arrived. I told Big E to go cozy up to Zoe because she had all the toys. MY NAME IS BIG E. I'M 4 AND I HAVE A BIG BOY BED. She ignored him, as who wouldn't ignore the creepy kid who leads his introduction with details of his bedroom. It's like he's been hanging out at Johnny's Hideaway with all the dirty, old men. Oy. Is this Big E's future?