Little Drummer Yoy

Big E has succumbed to the lure of the Christmas lights. How could he not?  They ARE so pretty!

Tonight, as a special treat, we went for a drive to look at the lights.

We had the Sirius XM holiday channel blasting in the car (with the exception of the drive by our Rabbi's place) and we were basking in the holiday spirit.

Ooooooo.  Look at those!

Sorry, Big E, those are actually the lights for I-75.

We weaved our way through the North Buckhead and Vinings neighborhoods.  Surprisingly, some of the mansions did not have any lights, just a wreath or two.  I guess they are too classy for crazy decorations.

We found a house that had these giant, inflatable holiday M&M characters decorating the entrance to their driveway.  The word "amazeballs" slipped from Mr. Yoy's mouth.  I didn't know if I should take a picture or attempt to eat them.

My brain went into overdrive.  How could I work these giant M&Ms into Big E's potty training?  Blow one up and keep it in the bathroom with him as a cheerleader?  Not a bad idea, not a bad idea at all...

Next on our adventure, we stumbled upon a crazy holiday party at this incredible mansion.  We spent a few minutes running scenarios that would result in us gaining entrance to the party.

For the record, we decided if we sent Big E up to the door first, we'd totally be in, even if we were dressed like a bunch of schleppers.  He may be the devil, but he has the face of an angel.

As we chatted about how beautiful the lights were, we realized Big E had gone silent.  I flipped on the overhead light.

Big E was conked out.  In fact, he was snoring.  Really?  I guess terrorizing Little E all day is exhausting for him.


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