Burning Down the House

This week my brother and his wife are visiting us from NYC. They have an affinity for fires in fireplaces as most NYC apartments do not have them. Who knew? Mr. Yoy put a fire on and my sister in law and I sat fireside and warmed ourselves. It was awesome. Mr. Yoy decided to run to Publix to get all the goodies for us to make s'mores. Before he left, we asked him to stoke the fire. He slide open the screen and used our grilling tools (cause that's how us Floridians stoke fires) to increase the burn. Right before he left, our smoke detectors went off. All four of them. Loud. Deafening. This is good when we have an actual fire. This is bad when we don't have a fire, but have two sleeping Yoys. One of the smoke detectors is conveniently located outside their bedrooms. Oh please, don't let them wake up. Who was I kidding? I'm pretty sure our neighbors down the street heard them. I fanned the detector with a pillow and it turned o...