My three year anniversary

Today marks the three anniversary of when I left my tax job at the bank and became a SAHM.  At the time, I thought I had a good six weeks of getting the nursery ready, resting, and continuing on the food warpath until Big E arrived.

Little did I know, Big E would come over three weeks early and surprise everyone.  Picture my mom and Mr. Yoy running through Walmart at 11:58pm trying to find a rocking chair so the nursery was ready for us when we came home from the hospital the next day.  I'm sorry I missed that supermarket sweep.

I love staying home with my kids.  I truly enjoy them, most of the time.  So I thought I'd summarize the pros and cons of being a SAHM.

1) Spending all day with my kids.

1) Spending all day with my kids.

I'm joking, I'm joking.

I do miss my work colleagues and spending my days really using my brain and talking to adults.  I try to keep my brain from rotting in my head, see Sudoku.  But sometimes I fail, see Mush Brain.

But I also love hanging with the Yoys, and I am so grateful for that.  There is no place else I'd rather be.

The three years went by so fast and in another three, Big E will be in school full-time.  It is hard to imagine not spending the majority of the day with my buddy, but I'm sure I'll manage.

Hello gym, shopping, lunching, and sleeping! (Oh wait, what about Little E?)
Mrs. Yoy.  Minus the cooking, cleaning, apron and land-line.


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