The Longest Five Minutes of My Life

Today we took Big E with us to attend the second day of Rosh Hashanah services. It was an alternative service with music incorporated so we'd thought he'd be: 1) mildly interested as he is clearly musical 2) drowned out by the keyboard, drums, and vocals The alternative service was set up in a portable event tent in the parking of lot of our synagogue. This is important to note because it became an enabler for distractions. We arrive at the Amidah prayer. I can't exactly recall what this translates into English, but I loosely translate it to mean the longest five minutes of my life. It is a silent prayer where everyone stands and reads over a pages long prayer. So now I'm multitasking. I'm saying concurrent prayers, The Amidah and the Please-Big-E-Be-Quiet-Prayer. Up to this point, Big E had been pretty well behaved for his first service. The silence of the room stirred up something in the depths of his being. He started chatting away...