Mrs. Yoy: Puzzlemaster

Big E's latest book is Cars-themed and has five mini-puzzles within the book.  It is a combo of all of his favorite things.  I gave it to him this afternoon because he was being a sweet boy.

A weird thing happened.

We completed the five puzzles. And when I say "we" I mean me.  For whatever reason, Big E likes to direct activities, not actually participate in them. He asked me to do them again.  I obliged, as he was sitting quietly and that rarely happens anymore.

By round three I had hit my Cars puzzle limit.  I explained to him that I didn't want to play with the book anymore, but he was welcome to do the puzzles on his own.

This was not a satisfactory explanation.

He started shouting: DO MORE PUZZLES!  DO MORE PUZZLES!  DO IT!  DO IT!

To be honest, he kind of scared me.  Where did he learn to channel John McEnroe?

So I did what any mother would do.  I did the dang puzzles!

While I'm puzzling away he keeps sternly reminding me to do the puzzles.  Over and over again.

This is what it must be like to be a child laborer in a Nike sweatshop.  My shaking hands are fumbling to put together the picture of Lightning McQueen.

He ran in the other room to grab his water and I took this as my opportunity to escape my puzzling destiny.

I hid the book.  He returned and I played dumb, which is not hard for me to do at all.

Mrs. Yoy 2, Big E 0 (not like I'm keeping score or anything...)
Do the dang puzzles!


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