Clip It! Clip It Good!

Baby nail clippers. My arch nemesis. For those of you that have never attempted to cut a baby's fingernails you may not appreciate this blog entry, but I dare you to read on. There are many reasons why Little E's nail clipping sessions are my absolute least favorite baby hygiene task. I will go on record saying I'd rather change hourly poo diapers for an entire day than sit down and clip this kid's nails. First of all, the baby clippers are a smaller version of my nail clippers. I have pretty large hands and I find myself awkwardly trying to use them. Second, Little E's nails are tiny. And he is always in motion. I have thought about a nail clipping ambush while he is sleeping, but I don't want to risk waking him. Third, I'm kind of blind. This is self-explanatory. Fourth, this is a very sensitive part of Little E's body. Cut down too low, not like I have any control, and he just about bleeds out. Don't cut enough and he wa...