Camp - Day 2

We lured Big E to the car today by telling him he was going with Mr. Yoy to work.  Mr. Yoy came with us to drop Big E off.

As soon as we exited the highway, Big E knew he was in trouble.  He started crying "no school! no school!" and then "Daddy work!  Daddy work!"

It was pathetic. It made me so sad.  Mr. Yoy walked Big E (I mean carried a screaming boy) into camp. The good news is that his preschool teacher is at camp today.  Hopefully she can help soothe him.

I felt awful.

I haven't received a call from his counselor, so hopefully he calmed down.

Pick up is in a few hours.  I'll see what he says today.


  1. Good news: His counselor said he was fine a few minutes after we left him.

    Bad news: the exact same red toyota sienna at the front of the carpool line was making him crazy. Why couldn't he go to his mommy? I had to watch this unfold from about 5 cars back in line.


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