No, it's viral, I swear!

Big E woke up with an awesome rash all over his body.  It had all sorts of pretty designs.

Little E sounds like he is a long time smoker.  His coughing is terrible.

I try not to be the overreacting mother, but it was time to call the doctor and get an appointment.

The office was really crowded.  Apparently, the plague is making its way around the ATL.  We had to wait about 20 minutes to get in even with an appointment.  Seating is limited and everyone is packed in there.  That is, unless your child looks like he is suffering from some sort of measles.  He has these red splotches all over his face.  No one wanted to come near us.  Mothers herded their children out of Big E's path.  I have to admit, he does looks scary.  He was diagnosed with viral hives from a cold and fever he had last week.  It is not contagious, although he did give his cold to Little E.

Little E has RSV.  Poor baby.  He is still smiley though and according to the doctor today should be the worst day before he is on the up and up again.  I was holding Little E while the doctor was examining him.  Big E found his way into my diaper bag and more specifically, my wallet.  He somehow managed to remove my driver's license, something I have a hard time doing when retailers ask for ID.

After the doctor left the room, I had to get everyone loaded back up into my double wide.  I flipped open my wallet just to make sure everything was in order.  Surprisingly, my drivers license was missing.

Obviously, I need my license to drive.  But, more importantly, I need my license to board the plane next Saturday when I go on my first vacation in over two years.  I started to panic.  I looked everywhere.  I couldn't find it.  I spent 10 minutes tearing apart the room before I gave up.

I was so mad at Big E.  I told the receptionist that my license may or may not be in Room 11.  Internally, I was thinking my son may or may not be in the car with us when we drive home.

I'm happy to report that Big E was allowed to come home with Mrs. Yoy and that I found my driver's license.

I'm hoping everyone heals up before my parents come into town on Friday.



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